Her mind wanders around, always. Whenever she watches a movie or reads a book, the characters come alive in her head and they live there forever after. Whenever she sees a photograph of a beautiful place somewhere on this earth or not, she lives there for a substantial amount of time in her mind. Sometimes these places are energetic, filled with interesting people from all walks of life and full of adventures. She lived in London, Tokyo, New York City even, and Paris. Sometimes, however, they are peaceful, quiet, tranquil, like Rome’s St Peter’s square at night, or the lake of Geneva in the early dawn. The top of the Alps, a small island in the Atlantic. She moves from one place to the other in just a split second, with a look at a photograph. I wonder where she lives these days. Her body is seated in the park under a tree, her mind might be living in a tiny, dirty apartment somewhere in Moscow with all the characters from Carroll’s ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’. I would love to come over for dinner sometime, stranger.
random people: In reality, she has been everywhere
via: blackandwhitesunday. loverunway. from me to you- greige fairytale. oraclefox-isabel lucas. fairytalesbynature. tidbitanomalous. placesidliketolive. valentino.
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